business-graphics-1428641-mDo you think that your employees are happy? Are they happy with their pay and their benefits? Are they happy with their work hours? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, then you may find that you have an unhappy office. The only problem with an unhappy office is that it can cause office tiffs and make it hard for people to work without interruptions. Productivity can drop and you can have an office full of people unable to get projects done on time. Read on to see if you can stop this problem before it even begins.

Ask Your Employees about One Another

When you have an honest office, you can trust someone when they say something about another employee. Ask the employees you trust the most to tell you how they feel about you, their pay, and working conditions. Then ask them if they think anyone else feels differently, or see if maybe someone is acting less than friendly lately. Approach that employee and have a good face-to-face talk with them to see what may be affecting their mood and productivity.

Don’t Forget that People Love Parties

When push comes to shove, everyone enjoys a few hours off from all of the work they have piling up on their desks. Have a potluck or something of the sort and provide a number of tasty treats that you know everyone will enjoy. Avoid discussing work at this party, except perhaps to let everyone know about any positive news that’s happening in the company. Just don’t talk about anything that would make people unhappy or make them feel like they just have to go back to work and feel behind again.