If we are our own bosses, sometimes we are completely clueless on how much we’re actually getting done. If that means we’re getting too much done or not enough is completely dependent on the kind of person we are. When you need help reminding yourself to either speed up or slow down, check out the following tips to see if they can give you a much needed helping hand.

Rescope the Competition

Even if you are exceedingly good at what you do, that doesn’t mean there isn’t someone in direct competition with you that is just as good. It’s important to always keep that in mind, lest you want the competition to come in and sweep several of your clients away before you even have the chance to respond. Every few weeks, it’s important to check out and see what your competition has going on. Are they launching a new service? Are they planning a big promotional event? Keep yourself up on their doings so you can stay in direct competition with them as long as you are able.

Self-Assess Your Own Company

Unlike your weekly assessment of your competitors, your own assessment needs to happen daily. It doesn’t have to be very much and it doesn’t have to take very long, but it’s important that it gets done nevertheless. It can be as simple as defining your goals in the morning and then reviewing them at night to ensure that you actually got those goals done (and if you didn’t, re-adding them to your list).