
Hacker Allegedly Hacked 79 Banks and Released Customer Data

A hacker recently claimed that he hacked into almost 80 banks and stole thousands of pieces of information, including addresses, phone numbers, ...

Canadian Airport Beginning to Keep Track of Conversations

Starting next month, the Ottawa/Macdonald-Cartier Airport is installing microphones in random locations – within the airport itself, as well as in planes ...

According to Google, Government Censorship is “Alarmingly High”

In the past six months, Google has received more than 1,000 government requests – from governments around the world – to remove ...

Nokia Proposes 10,000 Layoffs

By the end of 2012, Nokia plans to be 10,000 employees lighter. The company announced the planned layoffs during a press conference ...

How to Make Scheduling Easy

Scheduling is part of the business life, and sometimes it can be a real pain. Everyone has to schedule, and everyone has ...

Amazon’s Cloud Storage Reaches 1 Trillion Files

Amazon’s S3 storage system launched in 2006. Since then, a trillion files have been uploaded onto the service. Jeff Barr, Amazon blog ...

MacBook Air Gets an Overhaul

The biggest feature that has been focused on about the 2012 MacBook Air is the anticipated silicon upgrade, which boasts “up to ...

44,000 Credit Card Numbers Stolen – and It’s Not Over Yet

A Dutchman was accused this week of stealing more than 44,000 credit card numbers. He stood in front of the U.S. federal ...

Apple: Taking Over All of the Screens in Your Home

Apple started out as a small company with small ideas. In the past decade, however, the company has flourished and become one ...

Usage of Tablets Doubles in a Single Year

The iPad was released a little over two years ago, and all it’s done for Apple since then is make them a ...